Saturday, January 5, 2013

Micromax Superfone Canvas 2 A110 vs Samsung Galaxy S Duos S7562

The Canvas 2 A110 has established its self as a good value for money option under the Rs.10,000 price bracket. This begs the question as to how does it fare against a similarly featured smartphone from a popular brand. Is there any dual SIM handset that manages to come close to the A110 in terms of features without having to spend a whole lot more? After looking at the offerings in the market, we find that the Samsung Galaxy S Duos S7562 is the closest priced handset that comes close to the features of the A110. And what better way to settle this than pit both of them in a grudge match. 

Samsung Galaxy S Duos S7562 – Rs.14,900

We haven’t put the S Duos through its paces yet, but there’s still a lot we can derive from the specifications alone. For starters, the handset is priced a good 5K higher than the Micromax, so we expect it to put on a better show, at least on paper. The S7562 does have a smaller 4-inch screen, but with the same resolution as the A110, we have much higher pixel count. This should make text and images sharper. It also uses a standard TFT display instead of the IPS used on the A110. The smaller screen also allows for the S Duos to be lighter and more compact as well. Samsung has slipped up big time here by not including an ambient light sensor. This could be the deal breaker for some as at this price, one would expect it to be a given.

Samsung has also used an older single core Qualcomm MSM7227A chipset here in order to cut costs and the result of this is average multimedia capabilities. The slower Adreno 200 GPU will not help much in games either. Samsung has added a generous helping of RAM (768MB) compared to the A110, so that should take care of any lags one might face. Due to the chipset, the 5MP camera maxes out at 480p for video recording – another area where the Micromax has the upper hand. 

The bottom line 
Besides possibly getting better aesthetics and build quality, it doesn’t seem like the Samsung Galaxy S Duos S7562 offers a whole lot more in terms of features, or even functionality. The higher ppi screen and the fact that it’s built by Samsung would be the only reason you would think about shelling out the extra 5K for it. The Micromax Canvas 2 A110 continues to be a force to be reckoned with. However, how will it stand up against the iBall Andi 4.5h? Stay tuned for the ultimate showdown between the A110 and the Andi 4.5h, coming soon.