Monday, November 12, 2012

Asus handing out vouchers to Nexus 7 owners in Europe due to price drop

If you bought the 16GB Google Nexus 7 tablet, only to see the price drop from $250 to $199, you’re probably a little irritated. While we can’t speak for Google or US Nexus 7 owners, Asus is attempting to make things right by offering up a voucher to European Nexus 7 owners who purchased the device before the price drop.
UK Nexus 7 owners will receive a £25 voucher and the rest of Europe will receive a €30 voucher if one purchased the tablet from either Asus or Google. To get in on the action, you need to register you Nexus 7 through Asus’ website and provide proof of purchase. Once your registration is confirmed, you will then receive a voucher via email that can be used until December 31st.
At the moment, it doesn’t look like there’s any news for the US as far as vouchers are concerned. We would have hoped that Google would have attempted to calm customer woes when the new pricing for the Nexus 7 was announced, but that didn’t happen, but  offering this type of program to Europe and leaving out other parts of the world just doesn’t seem right. Oh well.
Hopefully we’ll be getting more details in the coming days and weeks about a possible US voucher program, and we’ll be sure to keep you Nexus 7 owners informed.